Biltmore House

Biltmore House
Summer 2009

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ready for summer!!

As Matt and I endure the cold weather in North Alabama, I keep thinking about the summer months ahead! The nasty weather has kept us indoors the majority of the time, so I finally broke down and decided to blog. I'm not quite sure how well I'm going to be at it, but I'm going to try nonetheless. We're still trying to decide what to do and where to go for our spring break. Simply going back home to Andalusia and Florala is sounding better and better every single day. I realize that the first few years of marriage is the time to travel, to "see the world before you have kids!" However, we're really just looking forward to seeing some family and hopefully spending some time with friends. It's strange how I spent the majority of my life wanting to get out of Andalusia, and now I fondly think back to my hometown and the memories I made there. Also, I truly enjoy spending time on Triple G my brother-in-law so named the place. I love being able to walk around the farm, see the animals, and smell the fresh air. It's nice to not have neighbors so close that you can hear their car's door slam. Having neighobors makes you appreciate space and land. God is blessing our time in Russellville, and I'm so thankful for all of the things He has done for us since we've been here.

Yesterday, Matt and I had the great honor to give devotions at Upward basketball games for Calvary church. I truly believed that God gave us that opportunity to open our lives up to the people we've been going to church with for the past few years. In becoming more faithful to church, God is allowing Matt and me to grow spiritually. I'm so thankful for God's mercy and devotion to us in giving us such a wonderful place to worship. Lately, I've been desiring to be separate from the world and become more like Christ. I pray that God will cleanse my heart, mind, and soul this week. I also pray that God will continue to keep my family safe and healthy. Lastly, Mr. Steve has been sick, so remember him in your prayers. We desire the doctors' eyes to be opened to discover ways in which they can help him get better. Have a fantastic week, and hopefully I'll blog again soon.

"Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2

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